Sunday, October 11, 2009

This is my exchange blog

Oh man. Introductions are always scary. But I'm going to have to get used to them, because I am hopefully going to Europe next year for ten months! So, welcome to my blog. It's called Dix Mois, which means "Ten Months" in French. From that, you should be able to guess that I want to go to a French speaking country, specifically France, Switzerland, or Belgium (in that order). I don't know for sure yet where I'm going because *gasp* I even haven't sent in my application yet. If you are going to be an exchange student, you will realize how annoying of a problem it is when you tell someone you are going to leave them for a year. "Where are you going that's so great?" they'll ask. "Uh...I don't know..." you'll stutter in response. This is annoying! Mainly because you will want to know, so much, who will be your family and where you will live and what your life will be like for TEN WHOLE MONTHS!

I will be gone for my junior year of high school. What would possess me to leave behind my family and friends, my school and my entire country for TEN WHOLE MONTHS, you ask? I'll let you know when I figure it out. No really, it's hard to define my reasons for wanting to go. Trust me on this though, there are many reasons. Good ones, too! But you probably don't care about any of those. Oh well.

I'll keep you posted (punny!) on my progress applying, waiting, and finally someday, being in some country in Europe. But for now, bye!